Exploring Tourism in Macedonia
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St. Nikita

Skopje, Macedonia

Palimpsest of medieval art. You cannot see the full richness of the paintings and frescoes in any church other than St. Nikita. In the lower parts of the walls of this church one can see the foundations of an older temple, which is partly covered with older frescoes. The date of construction is unknown, but it is certain that the monastery was rebuilt by the ruler Milutin in the 14th century. Masterpiece of the most renowned medieval artists Michael and Eutichius. With these frescoes they have managed to break through the Byzantine model of painting and introduce narration into the frescoes. Besides the Greek inscriptions, one can see Old Slavonic alphabet as well. Church of stone and bricks; monastery on top of a hill and one of the most beautiful sights of nature.

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